Why Is My Deck Membrane Leaking?

Leaky Deck Membranes Why Does It Leak? - If you own a deck  and  have tried waterproofing it one way or another and you're still having problems, then you should know two things. 1. You're not alone, 2. There's a reason it's leaking. Grant Barlow and MyWaterproofDeck know how to keep [...]

By |2017-07-03T17:02:07+00:00June 26th, 2017|Blog, Grant Barlow|Comments Off on Why Is My Deck Membrane Leaking?

Can you waterproof deck posts?

Waterproofing Deck Posts Waterproof Posts - Think your deck posts will leak with a deck membrane on your deck? Think again! Grant Barlow and MyWaterproofDeck have worked hard over the years to make every area of a deck waterproof. In the video, Grant talks about the finer points of making your [...]

By |2017-07-03T15:04:03+00:00June 26th, 2017|Blog, Grant Barlow|Comments Off on Can you waterproof deck posts?