One-Step Waterproofing

Hi, it’s Lindsey, your friend over at IntelliDeck.
We’ve all heard it before- you want a waterproof deck, because you want to enjoy the living space underneath the deck– even in rainy weather. One hundred years ago, painted canvas was applied to porch floors to protect the wood structure and flooring. Today, we have beautiful, long lasting textured vinyl membranes for bone dry protection. Doesn’t it make sense to waterproof from above, rather than under a drip through deck?
As you know, most underdeck waterproofing systems are costly and cumbersome to install. IntelliDeck is a one step waterproofing solution that is only slightly more expensive than pressure treated but installs in one step in one day!
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, I’d love to chat with you about it!